Original Website © Amplabs 2009 This new site created February 2024
Quad ii Standard Full Service and socket upgrade (Q2FSSU)
Quad II full service and socket upgrade includes:
Fault diagnosis: during this period, if the choke,transformers or valves measure faulty, we will contact you and provide
a replacement quotation.
The wiring loom and tag board are dismantled and the chassis is cut-out and drilled to accept a switched fused mains
IEC block, and new loudspeaker barrels.
One item at the rear of the Quad II that is a must to dispense with, on electrical safety terms alone, is the ‘voltage
selector‘. We neatly blank it off and preset the mains connections to 240V, if you are using it in the UK.
The Paignton 6 way socket can either be, left in place, if you intend to use a Quad 22 control unit, or we can remove it
and blank it off. The small blanking plate will then contain the phono input socket. You will then be able to run the Quad
II from any pre-amplifier/control unit. Please state your preference, when you fill in your service request form.
Replacement of cathode bypass and dual can smoothing capacitors. The white capacitors shown in the under-chassis
view (see further details) are high performance, 16uF 600V polypropylene foil types and not electrolytics. The low ESR
and longevity is superior to electrolytics. These will be fitted as standard with this service. If you prefer the original can
type capacitor we can fit a dual 16uF 500V electrolytic inside the original can.
We replace the inter-valve coupling capacitors with high quality polypropylene types.
Full complement of resistors replaced with High stability, low noise, high tolerance metal film types.
Full performance test and adjustment.
Finally after a listening test we carry out a 48 hour soak test followed by an electrical safety test PAT*.
NOTE 1: Our standard price does not include replacement of faulty valves, chokes or transformers. We can add valves at
NOTE 2: It is highly recommended that you send your Quad 22 and Quad II together so they can be properly electrically
tested. An unmodified Quad II used as a standalone amplifier is potentially lethal without correct earthing. The earthing is
normally completed through the combined Quad 22 mains connector and umbilical cable.
Socket upgrade showing switched fused IEC block LS terminals and phono input.
For ure listening pleasure